About Tom Alteen

Updated on October 7, 2024

(Iaito photo above by Swords of Northshire; photo on the left by Roland Skinner.)



My Shodan (First Degree Aikido Black Belt) test was conducted by the late Yukio Kawahara Shihan, Technical Director, Canadian Aikido Federation, in 1991. I successfully tested for Nidan (Second Degree Black Belt) in 1996 with the late Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan and the late Mitsunari Kanai Shihan, United States Aikido Federation. During 2007, I was promoted to Sandan (Third Degree Black Belt) and awarded Fukushidoin (official teaching status) by Yamada Shihan, Chairman of the Teaching Committee, United States Aikido Federation.

I started practicing Aikido at the Graham Burt Aikikai in 1985 under Dermot McDonald Shihan, Chief Instructor.

Having a keen interest in teaching, I began my Aikido teaching career as a Guest Instructor during Summer 1992 at the Memorial University Aikido Club. In 1993, I founded Hydro Aikikai, a non-profit private dojo for the employees and their families at Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro.


In 2004, I joined Tony Cumby to establish Fudoshin Aikikai where I served as Dojo-Cho (Head Instructor) until 2007.

I have been very influenced by the late Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan, the late Mitsunari Kanai Shihan, Claude Berthiaume Shihan, Kevin McDonald Sensei, Bill McDonald Sensei, and other instructors affiliated with the United States Aikido Federation and the Canadian Aikido Federation.

(Photo on the right with Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu, Seminar in Montreal, 1992. Video below is an excerpt from my Shodan test, 1991.)

(Photo on the left by Violetta Alloway; photo on the right by John Smitka.)



I attended my first Iaido class in 1990 at the Aikido de la Montagne in Montreal with Claude Berthiaume Shihan. I became so taken with Iaido that later that year I purchased an Iaito with the guidance of Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan while visiting New York City.

I continued to attempt to learn Iaido from books but as the saying goes, "Words can describe water but can't quench your thirst."

This initial exposure led me to attend a class with the late Kazuho Nishida Shihan at the Aikido Center of Los Angeles in 1994.


In 2020, I became a member of The Rock Kendo & Iaido Club where I began Iaido training with Wayne Pinsent Sempai. Shortly thereafter, I joined Ka Muso Kai (Calgary) and remotely train with Alexander Cook Sensei (Yondan, Forth Degree Black Belt) and his senior students.

As is the tradition of The Rock Kendo & Iaido Club, I joined the Canadian Kendo Federation in 2020 and in 2024 successfully challenged for Ikkyu (First Kyu) while attending a seminar with Stephen Cruise Sensei and Goyo Ohmi Sensei, in LaSalle, Quebec.

(To the best of my knowledge, I believe I am the first Newfoundlander to successfully earn an Iaido rank while continuing to reside on our island.)