Free eBooks and Other Resources

Updated on January 1, 2025

About This Listing

This webpage is a living list, i.e. as I become aware of free online ebooks and other resources, I add them to the page.

Within each section, titles are listed in alphabetical order.

While I have attempted to provide a listing of free, quality, reading references, I take no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of these electronic resources. Readers are cautioned that they are simply offered in the spirit of sharing.


33 Essential Katana Parts Everyone Should Know, (2023) by David Mickov, available at
  A detailed discussion of the Katana parts and features.

Iaido: Unleashing the Art of the Samurai Sword, available at
  This is a concise summary of the Japanese Art of Iaido.

Iaido Teminology A - Z, by Deborah Klens-Bigman, Ph.D., available at Fighting Arts
  This is nice supplement to the ZNKR Iai (2014) manual.

Zen Nipppon Kendo Renmei Iai, (2014) by the All Japan Kendo Federation
  This is a key resource for learning the Seitei katas.

Classic Martial Arts

Art Of The Samurai: Japanese Arms And Armour, 1156 - 1868, (2010) Edited by Morihiro Ogawa, available at the Metropolitian Museum of Art
  Interesting read on the evolution of Samurai arms and armour.

Bushido, the Soul of Japan, (1908) by Inazo Nitobe Ph.D., available at Project Gutenberg   
  Chivalry is indigenous to Japan . . .

Hagakure: Book of the Samurai, (2005) by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, available at the Internet Archive
  This is the essential book of the Samurai.

Tao Of Jeet Kune Do, (1975) by Bruce Lee, available at the Internet Archive   
  Outlines the philosphy and techniques of Bruce Lee's fighting style.

The Art Of War, (circa 500 BC) by Sun Tzu, translated by Lionel Giles in 2004, available at the Internet Archive
  This is the oldest military treatise in the world.

The Book Of Five Rings, (1645) by Miyamoto Musashi, available at the Internet Archive
  Considered by many to be the greatest Japanese swordsman.

The Book of the Sword, (1884) by Richard F. Burton, available at Project Gutenberg   
  The history of the sword is the history of humanity . . .

Zen In The Art Of Archery, (1953) by Eugen Herrigel, available at the Internet Archive   
  Using Kyudo as a path to spiritual enlighenment.


A Short Story, (2010) by Terry Dobson
  A heart-warming conflict resolution article.

Free E-books, by Kim Taylor Sensei, Sei Do Kai
  A wonderful collection on various topics including Iaido.
  "Koryu" refers to old styles of Japanese schools.

My Articles

About the Japanese Jo and How To Make Your Own, (2024)
  How to make an inexpensive practice jo.

Interview with ChatGPT, (2022)
  A glimpse at the future . . .

Jo-Ha-Kyu, (2021)
  Parallels between the percussive and martial arts.

Plantar Fasciitis and Okuri Ashi, (2024)
  Using martial arts footwork to combat heal pain.

Teach Peace, (2019)
  Teaching and learning multicultural rhythms can assist with cross-cultural understandings.