
About Bearing Edge The bearing edge of a drum is the part of the shell that the drumhead sits on. The shape of the bearing edge can influence the sound characteristics including warmth, attack, resonance, volume, etc.

"The name of my virtual studio embraces my love of drumming and technology. My evolving mission basically blends music and technology to provide quality live and virtual experiences.

This website is more or less my creative sandbox."
- Tom Alteen, M.B.A., B.Voc.Ed., D.I.T.

The Bearing Edge Studio evolved from:

Drumming Geek

(©Tom Alteen, 2013. All rights reserved.)


Musubi Drum Circles

(©Tom Alteen, 2014. All rights reserved.)



I enjoy creating in my studio and do quite a lot of multimedia work and web development. (All the websites I maintain are available through the Alteen Home Network.)

In terms of studio gear and musical instruments, the Bearing Edge Studio has synthesizers, electronic percussion instruments, guitars, multitrack recorders, and acoustic percussion instruments.



The services I offer are evolving. So please contact me and I will be pleased to offer a custom quote tailered to your specific needs.

I am currently positioned to provide:


AI Drummer I grew up in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador, and developed my passion for drums at an early age. I played for the local bands Red Eye, Cadillac, Prosser's Rock, Dunungbe, and Crosstown Traffic. I currently jam with Dammerills Lane, a rock/alternative band based in St. John’s.

I have certificates in Drum Circle Leadership (2014) and Primary Health Care Collaboration (2008). I am Trained Remo HealthRHYTHMS Facilitator (2020) and a Village Music Circles’ Drum Circle Facilitator Graduate (2018).

I am a member of Business & Arts NL, established to strengthen the relationship between business and the arts; the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild, a professional association of drum circle facilitators; and MusicNL, existing to address key issues affecting the Newfoundland and Labrador music industry.

I am the past owner of Musubi Drum Circles and the Drumming Geek.

I am a strong believer in lifelong learning.