Journey to Center, Pulse, Groove 2023

(by Tom Alteen, M.B.A., B.Voc.Ed., D.I.T., a.k.a. the Drumming Geek,
March 12, 2023)

Simply click on the pictures in this article to expand.

I have always found driving to be kind of "Zen," so to speak; one has to stay in the moment and focus on the road.

I am immune deficient so when I received a scholarship to attend the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild's (DCFG's) 2023 International Conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, I decided to drive my electric car from St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, rather than risk catching COVID-19 in busy airports and on cramped airplanes. This was an exciting 7,927 kilometre drive (round trip) and by monitoring weather forecasts and using my instincts, I fortunately missed every snowstorm along the route.

(With Conference Chair, Michelle Muth)

(With DCFG Executive Director, Greg Whitt)

The weekend conference was chock-a-block with presentations that were very informative, professional, unique, and inspiring.

(With Bamboo Dance Instructor, Terry Pain)

There were even jamming and dancing opportunities. Yay!

It was such a joy to connect with old and new instructors, mentors, and colleagues at the conference. Vendors were also on hand to share information about their products and services.

(With Fellow Canadian Drum Circle Facilitators)

(Group Conference Photo by Craig Norton;
I am back row, far right)

I returned home enriched with new techniques, learnings, and business tips.

(Picking up a Celebratory Bottle of Bubbly
after returning safely home)

After approximately three weeks on the road, upon my return, my wife asked, “Was it worth it?” I responded, “Absolutely!”

Journey to Center, Pulse, Groove 2023 Video

(August 30, 2023)